Benefits Newsletter: 11/25/2024
With Employee Benefits & HR topics regularly in the news, it’s difficult to stay up to date. Our weekly newsletter will help you stay current. Check out this week’s edition.
With Employee Benefits & HR topics regularly in the news, it’s difficult to stay up to date. Our weekly newsletter will help you stay current. Check out this week’s edition.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Departments of Labor, Treasury, and Health and Human Services issued final rules on certain types of health coverage not subject to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) consumer protections. The final rules include a new notice requirement for hospital and fixed indemnity plans offered in the group market. Effective for plan or policy years beginning January 1, 2025, employer-sponsors and carriers are subject to a new employee notice requirement for these hospital or fixed indemnity plans.
With Employee Benefits & HR topics regularly in the news, it’s difficult to stay up to date. Our weekly newsletter will help you stay current. Check out this week’s edition.
Group health plans are subject to changing regulations surrounding compliance and notice obligations. Many requirements apply equally to insured and self-insured arrangements, though the insurance carrier in insured plans often ensures compliance with certain items. This Benefits Bulletin provides an overview of the obligations of self-insured (including level-funded) group health plans.
For employers operating their group health and welfare plans beginning on or after January 1, 2024, now is the time of the year to prepare for open enrollment. Typically, the focus is on evaluating the services and performance of vendors, renewing rates, and considering design changes. In addition to these items, employers need to address various legal requirements. This Benefits Brief provides a checklist that covers these requirements for the 2024 plan year.
With Employee Benefits & HR topics regularly in the news, it’s difficult to stay up to date. Our weekly newsletter will help you stay current. Check out this week’s edition.